Mankind Pharma Ltd

Apr 25, 2023 - Apr 27, 2023

Price ₹1026 - ₹1080
Premium ₹180
Lot size 13
Allotment May 4, 2023
Listing May 9, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 13 14040 0
sHNI 15 195 210600 0
bHNI 72 936 1010880 0

Last Updated as on 27-Apr-2023 17:54:00

HNIs 57,08,3862,28,22,7613.8
HNIs (10+L)38,05,5912,00,00,5004.99
HNIs (2-10L)19,02,79528,22,2611.41
Application Lots Shares Amount
Retail (Min) 1 13 ₹14,040
Retail (Max) 14 182 ₹1,96,560
sHNI (Min) 15 195 ₹2,10,600
bHNI (Min) 72 936 ₹10,10,880


1 time application required

retail apps  1078507

Small hni 10271

Big hni 20543




Incorporated in 1991, Mankind Pharma Limited develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical formulations across various acute and chronic therapeutic areas and several consumer healthcare products.

In India, the business is active in a number of acute and chronic therapeutic fields, including anti-infectives, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, anti-diabetic, neuro/CNS, vitamins/minerals/nutrients, and respiratory.

It has over 36 brands, including Manforce (Rx), Moxikind-CV, Amlokind-AT, Unwanted-Kit, Candiforce, Gudcef, Glimestar-M, Prega News, Dydroboon, Codistar, Nurokind-Gold, Nurokind Plus-RF, Nurokind-LC, Asthakind-DX, Cefakind, Monticope, Telmikind-H, Telmikind, Gudcef-CV, and Unwanted-72, among them.

Mankind Pharma has one of the largest distribution networks of medical representatives in the Indian pharmaceutical market ("IPM"). Over 80% of doctors in India prescribed their formulations and has been ranked number 4th in terms of domestic sales during the Financial Year 2022.

The company has been awarded The Best of Bharat Awards 2022 by exchange4media in the year 2022, Silver Medal from National Awards for Manufacturing Competitiveness Assessment 2021 instituted by International Research Institute for Manufacturing, and Silver Award for Good Health Brand at IHW Awards 2021 in the year 2021, Best Condom Brand of the Year award at Sex Brand Awards Pharma OTC Company of the Year Award at Pharma Excellence Awards 2018, Award for Best Design in Healthcare at Healthcare Leadership Awards 2017, and Amity HR Excellence Award for Performance Management at the 8th Global HR Summit 2011.

Lead Manager(s)

KFin Technologies Limited

Phone: 04067162222, 04079611000