Elin Electronics Limited

Dec 20, 2022 - Dec 22, 2022

Price ₹234 - ₹247
Premium ₹4
Lot size 60
Allotment Dec 27, 2022
Listing Dec 30, 2022

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 60 14820 0
sHNI 14 840 207480 0
bHNI 68 4080 1007760 0

Last Updated as on 22-Dec-2022 17:51:00

HNIs 28,84,6131,00,22,1003.29
HNIs (10+L)19,23,07560,73,8002.99
HNIs (2-10L)9,61,53839,48,3003.89
Category Retail sHNI bHNI
Min Qty 60 840 4080
Min Rs 14820 207480 1007760
1 time Forms 112179 1145 2289
Subject 2 - - -
FIX - - 4700

Incorporated in 1969, Elin Electronics Limited is a leading electronics manufacturing services ("EMS") provider. The company is a manufacturer of end-to-end product solutions for major brands of lighting, fans, and small/ kitchen appliances in India, and is one of the largest fractional horsepower motors manufacturers in India.

Elin Electronics Limited manufactures and assembles a wide array of products and provides end-to-end product solutions. The company serve under both original equipment manufacturer ("OEM") and original design manufacturer ("ODM") business models.

The company's diversified product portfolio in EMS includes (i) LED lighting, fans and switches including lighting products, ceiling, fresh air and TPW fans, and modular switches and sockets, (ii) small appliances such as dry and steam irons, toasters, hand blenders, mixer grinders, hair dryer and hair straightener; (iii) fractional horsepower motors, which is used in mixer grinder, hand blender, wet grinder, chimney, air conditioner, heat convector, TPW fans etc.; and (iv) other miscellaneous products.

The company has three manufacturing facilities which are strategically located in Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and Verna (Goa).

The company also has a centralized R&D centre in Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), focusing on the research and development of all aspects of OEM and ODM models including concept sketching, design refinement, generating optional features and testing.

In Fiscals 2020, 2021 and 2022 and the seven-month period ended October 31, 2022, the company catered to 327, 387, 342 and 297 customers, respectively.

The company's revenue from operations in Fiscals 2020, 2021 and 2022 and the six-month period ended September 30, 2022, was Rs 7,855.84 million, Rs 8,623.78 million, Rs 10,937.54 million and Rs 6,044.57 million.

Company Financials

Elin Electronics Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Total Borrowing
31-Mar-19 397.73 829.74 29.07 86.64
31-Mar-20 387.63 786.37 27.49 69.89
31-Mar-21 508.31 864.9 34.86 113.77
31-Mar-22 532.61 1094.67 39.15 102.33
30-Sep-22 589.24 604.74 20.67 102.77
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

KFin Technologies Limited

Phone: 04067162222, 04079611000
Email: elinindia.ipo@kfintech.com
Website: https://karisma.kfintech.com/