Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited

Nov 28, 2022 - Nov 30, 2022

Price ₹216 - ₹237
Premium ₹40
Lot size 60
Allotment Dec 5, 2022
Listing Dec 8, 2022

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 60 14220 0
sHNI 15 900 213300 0
bHNI 71 4260 1009620 0

Last Updated as on 30-Nov-2022 17:54:00

HNIs 15,62,3098,96,31,42052.29
HNIs (10+L)10,41,5396,05,34,66052.97
HNIs (2-10L)5,20,7702,90,96,76050.92

IPO SIZE 251.15 CR.

Category Retail sHNI bHNI
Min Qty 60 900 4260
Min Rs 14220 213300 1009620
1 Time Aplication  61495 586 1171
Subject 2 - - -
FIX - - -

Incorporated in 2015, Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited is an agrochemical company. The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, and marketing a wide range of agrochemical formulations such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, plant growth regulators, micro fertilizers and antibiotics to the B2C and B2B customers.


The company also provides crop protection solutions to the farmer to assist them to maximize productivity and profitability. Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited export products to more than 20 countries in Latin America, East African Countries, the Middle East and Far East Asia.

As of November 30, 2021, Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited had more than 196 institutional products that they sold to more than 600 customers based in India and the international markets. As of November 30, 2021, the company exported its products to more than 60 customers across 20 countries.

The company's manufacturing facility is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited also has a research and development ("R&D") centre at the manufacturing facility.

The company's branded products are sold in 12 states through a network comprising over 3,700 dealers having access to 8 stock depots in India, as of November 30, 2021.

The revenue from operations for Fiscals 2019, 2020 and 2021 and seven months period ended on October 31, 2021, was Rs 1,393.56 million, Rs 1,982.22 million, Rs 3,024.10 million and Rs 2,272.62 million, respectively.

Company Financials

Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Total Borrowing
31-Mar-19 47.66 139.95 5.02 10.46 20.35
31-Mar-20 92.58 199.16 10.76 35.22 20.18
31-Mar-21 128.87 303.56 20.96 56.14 26.92
31-Mar-22 219.54 396.29 28.69 82.82 36.93
31-Jul-22 305.76 221.17 18.36 101.17 51.56
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: dharmaj.crop@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/