Inox Green Energy Services

Nov 11, 2022 - Nov 15, 2022

Price ₹61 - ₹65
Premium ₹0
Lot size 230
Allotment Nov 18, 2022
Listing Nov 23, 2022

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 230 14950 0
sHNI 14 3220 209300 0
bHNI 67 15410 1001650 0

Last Updated as on 15-Nov-2022 17:54:00

HNIs 1,70,76,92386,20,4000.47
HNIs (10+L)1,13,84,61547,40,9900.39
HNIs (2-10L)56,92,30838,79,4100.64


Category Retail sHNI bHNI
Min Shares 230 3220 15410
Min Amount 14,950 2,09,300 10,01,650
Application Reserved 49,498 1,768 3,536
Subject 2 - - -
FIX - - -

Incorporated in 2012, Inox Green Energy Services Limited is one of the major wind power operation and maintenance ("O&M") service providers within India. The company is a subsidiary of Inox Wind Limited ("IWL"), a company which is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited, and part of the Inox GFL group of companies.

Inox Green Energy services Limited provides exclusive O&M services for all WTGs sold by IWL through the entry of long-term O&M contracts between the WTG purchaser and ourselves for terms which typically range between five to 20 years.

The company is engaged in the business of providing long-term O&M services for wind farm projects, specifically the provision of O&M services for wind turbine generators ("WTGs").

As of March 31, 2022, the company has a team of 393 employees including managers with extensive experience in the O&M of WTGs and the wind industry generally.

The company has a presence in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerela and Tamil Nadu.

The company's total revenue (from the continuing operations i.e. the O&M business) was Rs 1,721.66 million, Rs 1,722.48 million and Rs 1,653.15 million for Fiscals 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively.


  • Strong and diverse existing portfolio base.
  • Established track record, favourable national policy support and visibility for future growth.
  • Reliable cash flow supported by long-term O&M contracts with high credit quality counterparties.
  • Supported and promoted by our parent company, IWL.
  • Established supply chain in place.
  • Strong and experienced management team.

Company Financials

Inox Green Energy Services Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Total Borrowing
31-Mar-20 2339.86 172.16 1.68 96.54 1084.92
31-Mar-21 2692.8 186.29 -27.73 42.96 1411.02
31-Mar-22 2120.65 190.23 -4.95 806.63 904.17
30-Jun-22 2127.74 63.16 -11.58 795 909.92
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270