Kaynes Technology India Ltd

Nov 10, 2022 - Nov 14, 2022

Price ₹559 - ₹587
Premium ₹140
Lot size 25
Allotment Nov 18, 2022
Listing Nov 22, 2022

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 25 14675 0
sHNI 14 350 205450 0
bHNI 69 1725 1012575 0

Last Updated as on 14-Nov-2022 17:54:00

HNIs 21,48,2534,78,36,55021.21
HNIs (10+L)14,32,1683,47,01,12523.07
HNIs (2-10L)7,16,0851,31,35,42517.47

IPO SIZE 857.81 CR.

Category Retail sHNI bHNI
Min Shares 25 350 1725
Min Amount 14675 205450 1012575
Application Reserved 204233 2084 4168
Subject 2      

Incorporated in 2008, Kaynes Technology is a leading end-to-end and IoT solutions-enabled integrated electronics manufacturing company. The company provides conceptual design, process engineering, integrated manufacturing and life-cycle support for major players in the automotive, industrial, aerospace and defence, outer-space, nuclear, medical, railways, Internet of Things ("IoT"), Information Technology ("IT") and other segments.

The company is among the first companies in India to offer design-led electronics manufacturing to original equipment manufacturers ("OEMs").

The company's operations are classified under the following business verticals:

OEM - Turnkey Solutions - Box Build ("OEM - Box Build").

OEM - Turnkey Solutions - Printed Circuit Board Assemblies ("PCBAs") ("OEM - Turnkey Solutions").

ODM: The company offers ODM services in smart metering technology, smart street lighting, and brushless DC ("BLDC") technology.

Product Engineering and IoT Solutions: The company offer conceptual design and product engineering services in industrial and consumer segments.

Kaynes Technology operates eight manufacturing facilities across India in the states of Karnataka, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand.

As of June 30, 2022, the company's research and development team comprised 19 employees, including engineers, designers and other workers.

In nine months ended June 30, 2022, The company served 229 customers in 21 countries globally and multiple industry verticals such as automotive, aerospace and defence, industrial, railways, medical and IT / ITES.

The company works with over 871 vendors and sources materials from various regions including North America, Europe, and Singapore as well as locally within India, As of June 30, 2022.

Company Financials

Kaynes Technology India Ltd Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Total Borrowing
31-Mar-20 378.12 370.17 9.36 95.76 143.83
31-Mar-21 419.37 424.66 9.73 136.51 139.47
31-Mar-22 622.42 710.35 41.68 201.82 169.55
30-Jun-22 763.26 199.98 10.05 212 186.38
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: kaynes.ipo@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/