Silver Pearl Hospitality & Luxury Spaces Ltd

Jun 6, 2022 - Jun 11, 2022

Price ₹18 - ₹18
Premium ₹0
Lot size 8000
Allotment -
Listing -

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 8000 144000 0
HNI 2 16000 288000 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Qualified Institutions[.]
Non-Institutional Buyers0.80
Retail Investors2.56

Silver Pearl Hospitality & Luxury Spaces Limited is a hospitality company. The company is involved in the mid-priced hotel category, which includes upper-midscale, midscale, and economy hotels. Silver Pearl Hospitality's current properties are located in Rakchham, Kinnaur, and Himachal Pradesh. Silver Pearl Hospitality & Luxury Spaces Limited hotels, cafes and restaurants are operated under the brand name "Osiya".

The company also engages in the business of Online Marketing and Branding of Tashi Dolma Home stay situated at Bhabha Nagar, Tehsil Nichar, District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh on a commission basis. The guest house will be known as " Osiya Tashi Dolma Home Stay".

The company business model includes direct ownership of hotel properties, long-term lease or license arrangements for the land on which the company constructs its hotels, long-term leases for existing hotels or homestays which are owned by third parties, and marketing agreements.

Company Financials

Silver Pearl Hospitality & Luxury Spaces Ltd Financial Information (Restated)

Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Mar-20 211.06 29.38 0.48
31-Mar-21 244.48 18.41 3.3
31-Mar-22 459.79 45.89 11.72
Amount in ₹ Lakhs


Lead Manager(s)

Purva Sharegistry India Pvt Ltd
Phone: +91-022-23018261/ 23016761