Baweja Studios (NSE SME)

Jan 29, 2024 - Feb 1, 2024

Price ₹170 - ₹180
Premium ₹2
Lot size 800
Allotment Feb 2, 2024
Listing Feb 6, 2024

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 800 144000 2855
HNI 2 1600 288000 2855

Last updated on 01-Feb-2024 17:01:01

Retail Apps11991© IPO Premium
HNI Interest Cost per share (7 Days)

Incorporated in March 16, 2001, Baweja Studios Limited is a production company, producing Hindi and Panjabi films such as Chaar Sahibzaade, Love Story 2050, Qayamat and Bhaukaal. Also, the Company is in the business of trading movie rights. They purchase rights from producers and sell them to exhibitors and streaming platforms.

By June 2023, the company ;has completed 22 projects, with 6 films in production and 7 in pre-production.

Baweja Studios is a content production house that focuses on creating technology-based commercial films. The goal of the company is to push the boundaries of storytelling and incorporate technological advancements in its field. As part of their business process, they research and develop scripts, produce content end-to-end, create intellectual property, and monetize rights.

The company has diversified into various areas including digital films, web series, animation films, Punjabi films, advertisement films, and music videos.

As of June 22, 2023, the company employs a total of 16 full-time staff across various departments.

The competitive strength of the company are :-

  • The Promoter, Mr. Harman Baweja, has played a significant role in the growth and development of our business with his 22 years of experience in the media and entertainment industry.
  • The Directors and other Key Managerial Personnel lead day-to-day activities, ensuring a lean and hands-on organization.
  • Long-standing relationships in the industry
  • Diverse and growing Content Library
  • The business model that relies on technology involves utilizing a company's ability to form a skilled team for producing innovative films, effective marketing, expert management to identify potential scripts, acquiring new OTT platforms and online digital partners and customers, budgeting for film production, and achieving economies of scale.

Baweja Studios IPO Details

Issue Size 5,400,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹97.20 Cr)
Fresh Issue 4,000,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹72.00 Cr)
Offer for Sale 1,400,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹25.20 Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At NSE SME
Share holding pre issue 14,427,001
Share holding post issue 18,427,001
Market Maker portion 288,000 shares
Nnm Securities

Baweja Studios IPO Reservation

Baweja Studios IPO offers 5,073,600 shares. 217,600 (4.29%) to QIB, 2,284,000 (45.02%) to NII, 2,284,000 (45.02%) to RII.

Investor Category Shares Offered
Anchor Investor Shares Offered -
Market Maker Shares Offered 288,000 (5.68%)
QIB Shares Offered 217,600 (4.29%)
NII (HNI) Shares Offered 2,284,000 (45.02%)
Retail Shares Offered 2,284,000 (45.02%)
Shares Offered 5,073,600 (100%)

Baweja Studios IPO Lead Manager(s)

  • Fedex Securities Pvt Ltd

Key Performance Indicator

KPI Values
ROE 40.12%
ROCE 52.55%
Debt/Equity 0.07
RoNW 40.12%
P/BV 13.07


  Pre IPO Post IPO
EPS (Rs)  5.52 4.32
P/E (x)  32.59 41.62

Company Financials

Baweja Studios Limited Financial Information (Restated)

Baweja Studios Limited's revenue increased by 86.2% and profit after tax (PAT) rose by 188.8% between the financial year ending with March 31, 2023 and March 31, 2022.

Period 30 Sep 2023 Mar 2023 Mar 2022 Mar 2021
Assets 4,202.57 4,489.98 3,056.03 3,223.67
Revenue 3,890.11 7,628.31 4,096.79 1,954.11
Profit 435.33 796.91 275.94 764.60
Net Worth 2,422.07 1,986.28 724.07 448.13
Reserves 979.37 543.58 181.07 445.13
Borrowing 810.91 142.38 266.86 179.60
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Baweja Studios IPO Lead Manager(s)

  • Fedex Securities Pvt Ltd

Skyline Financial Services Private Ltd

Phone: 02228511022