Jyoti CNC Automation Limited (MAINBOARD)

Jan 9, 2024 - Jan 11, 2024

Price ₹315 - ₹331
Premium ₹38
Lot size 45
Allotment Jan 12, 2024
Listing Jan 16, 2024

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 45 14895 66785
sHNI 14 630 208530 2385
bHNI 68 3060 1012860 4770

Last Updated as on 11-Jan-2024 17:54:00

HNIs 450906317284923038.33
HNIs (10+L)300604212855978042.77
HNIs (2-10L)15030214428945029.47
Total Application : 1,613,063
QIB Interest Cost per share (7 Days)
Big HNI (10+L) Cost per lot (7 Days)
Assuming fix interest of ₹2000 per application
Big HNI (10+L) costing for every 1 lot allotment is

Incorporated in January 1991, Jyoti CNC Automation Limited is a manufacturer and supplier of CNC machines. The company is based in India and specializes in manufacturing and supplying CNC machines.

The product range includes CNC turning centres, CNC turning-milling centres, CNC vertical machining centres (VMCs), CNC horizontal machining centres (HMCs), simultaneous 3-axis CNC machining centres, simultaneous 5-axis CNC machining centres and multi-tasking machines.

The company's customer base includes Indian Space Applications Center - ISRO, BrahMos Aerospace Thiruvananthapuram, Turkish Aerospace, Uniparts India, Tata Advances System, Tata Sikorsky Aerospace, Bharat Forge, Shakti Pumps (India), Shreeram Aerospace & Defense, Rolex Rings, Harsha Engineers, Bosch Limited, HAWE Hydraulics, Festo India, Elgi Rubber, National Fittings and others.

The company has a wide range of CNC machines with 200 types in 44 series. In the last three financial years, over 7,200 machines have been supplied to more than 3,000 customers worldwide, including India, Europe, North America and a few parts of Asia. Since April 1, 2004, Jyoti CNC has delivered over 30,000 CNC machines worldwide.

The company distributes its products worldwide through Huron's established dealer network and also has 29 sales and service centres in Romania, France, Poland, Belgium, Italy and the UK.

The company has three manufacturing facilities, two of which are located in Rajkot, Gujrat, and another in Strasbourg, France, which has the necessary capabilities to design, develop and manufacture the entire product line.

As of June 30, 2023, the company's production capacity was 4,400 machines per year in India and 121 machines per year in France.

As of June 30, 2023, the Company had an order backlog of ₹ 31,430.56 million, including an order of ₹ 2,602.50 million from an electronic manufacturing services (EMS) company.

As of June 30, 2023, the company had a total of 2,573 employees.

Jyoti CNC Automation IPO Details

Issue Size [30211480] shares
(aggregating up to ₹1,000.00 Cr)
Fresh Issue [30211480] shares
(aggregating up to ₹1,000.00 Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At BSE, NSE
Share holding pre issue 195,757,090

Jyoti CNC Automation IPO Reservation

Investor Category Shares Offered
QIB Shares Offered Not less than 75% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered Not more than 10% of the Net Issue
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not more than 15% of the Net Issue

Jyoti CNC Automation IPO Lead Manager(s)

  • Equirus Capital Private Limited
  • ICICI Securities Limited
  • SBI Capital Markets Limited

Key Performance Indicator

KPI Values
ROE 18.35%
ROCE 9.50%
Debt/Equity 10.17
EPS (Rs) 1.02
RoNW 18.35%

Company Financials

Jyoti CNC Automation Limited Financial Information (Restated Consolidated)

Jyoti CNC Automation Limited's revenue increased by 27% and profit after tax (PAT) rose by 131.18% between the financial year ending with March 31, 2023 and March 31, 2022.

Period 30 Sep 2023 Mar 2023 Mar 2022 Mar 2021
Assets 1,706.07 1,515.38 1,286.24 1,388.19
Revenue 510.53 952.60 750.06 590.09
Profit 3.35 15.06 -48.30 -70.03
Net Worth 205.63 36.23 -29.68 18.67
Reserves 213.33 49.14 11.67 83.11
Borrowing 821.40 834.97 792.16 725.12
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)
  • Equirus Capital Private Limited
  • ICICI Securities Limited
  • SBI Capital Markets Limited

Link Intime India Private Ltd

Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: jyoticnc.ipo@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/mipo/ipoallotment.html