Credo Brands Marketing (MAINBOARD)

Dec 19, 2023 - Dec 21, 2023

Price ₹266 - ₹280
Premium ₹74
Lot size 53
Allotment Dec 23, 2023
Listing Dec 27, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 53 14840 129665
sHNI 14 742 207760 1323
bHNI 68 3604 1009120 2646

Last Updated as on 21-Dec-2023 17:54:00

HNIs 294524416350409955.51
HNIs (10+L)196349610941675155.73
HNIs (2-10L)9817485408734855.09
Total Application : 2,392,671
QIB Cost (7 Days) per share

Incorporated in 1999, Credo Brands Marketing Limited offers casual clothing for men with its flagship brand "Mufti".

In 1998, the company's product range consisted only of shirts, T-shirts and trousers. Today, however, the company offers a wide range of products including sweatshirts, jeans, cargos, chinos, jackets, blazers and sweaters. These products are available in different categories, e.g. relaxed casual wear for vacations, authentic everyday wear, urban casual wear, party wear and athleisure.

The company currently operates 1,773 retail outlets across India (as of May 31, 2023). These include 379 exclusive brand stores (EBOs), 89 large format stores (LFSs) and 1,305 multi-brand stores (MBOs).

The company's reach extends from major metropolitan areas to Tier 3 cities. As of March 31, 2023, March 31, 2022, and March 31, 2021, the company is present in 582, 598 and 569 cities, respectively.

As of May 31, 2023, the company's design team consisted of 15 members. They made it possible to create and produce more than 1,348 designs in the 2023 financial year.

Mufti Menswear IPO Details

Issue Size [19634960.] shares
(aggregating up to ₹[549.48] Cr)
Offer for Sale 19,634,960 shares of ₹2
(aggregating up to ₹549.48 Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At BSE, NSE
Share holding pre issue 64,301,880
Share holding post issue 64,301,880

Mufti Menswear IPO Reservation

Investor Category Shares Offered
QIB Shares Offered Not more than 50% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered Not less than 35% of the Net Issue
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not less than 15% of the Net Issue

Company Financials

Credo Brands Marketing Limited Financial Information (Restated Consolidated)

Credo Brands Marketing Limited's revenue increased by 43.54% and profit after tax (PAT) rose by 116.88% between the financial year ending with March 31, 2023 and March 31, 2022.

Period Mar 2023 Mar 2022 Mar 2021
Assets 574.48 476.05 416.99
Revenue 509.32 354.84 261.15
Profit 77.51 35.74 3.44
Net Worth 281.35 235.73 192.33
Borrowing 10.08 13.46 15.23
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd

Phone: +91-22-4918 6270