Suraj Estate Developers (MAINBOARD)

Dec 18, 2023 - Dec 20, 2023

Price ₹340 - ₹360
Premium ₹15
Lot size 41
Allotment Dec 22, 2023
Listing Dec 26, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 41 14760 94851
sHNI 14 574 206640 968
bHNI 68 2788 1003680 1936

Last Updated as on 20-Dec-2023 17:54:00

HNIs 16666673336075720.02
HNIs (10+L)11111122041000518.37
HNIs (2-10L)5555551295075223.31
Total Application : 922,943
QIB Cost (7 Days) per share

Incorporated in 1986, Suraj Estate Developers Limited is a real estate construction company with a focus on best-in-class collaborations and client assurance.

The company has over 35 years of experience in developing real estate across the residential and commercial sectors in the South Central Mumbai region. Suraj has developed over 10 lakh square feet of land in Mumbai. In the residential portfolio, Suraj is present across the "value luxury" and "luxury" segments across multiple price points with unit values ranging from ₹10.00 million to ₹130.00 million. In the commercial portfolio, Suraj has constructed and sold built-to-suit corporate headquarters to institutional clientele namely, Saraswat Cooperative Bank Limited (Prabhadevi), National Stock Exchange of India, Union Bank of India, and Clearing Corporation of India Limited (Dadar). The company has built more than 40 projects across residential and commercial segments in Mumbai.

From 2016 to 2023 (Q1), the company has launched 15 residential projects out of which 13 projects (~87%) are redevelopment 178 projects. As of March 31, 2023, Suraj has redeveloped houses for more than 1,011 tenants free of cost under regulation 33(7) of the Development Control and Promotion Regulation, 2034 (DCP Regulations). As of May 31, 2023, the company has completed 42 projects with a developed area of more than 1,046,543.20 square feet in the South Central Mumbai region. In addition to the Completed Projects, it has 11 Ongoing Projects with a developable area of 1,714,962.03 square feet, and saleable RERA carpet area of 497,774 square feet, and 21 Upcoming Projects with an estimated carpet area of 843,192 square feet.

Suraj Estate Developers was awarded Best Developer of the Year - Residential at the CNN-News18 Real Estate & Business Excellence Awards in Mumbai, on February 2, 2020.

Suraj Estate Developers IPO Details

Issue Size[11111111] shares
(aggregating up to ₹400.00 Cr)
Fresh Issue[11111111] shares
(aggregating up to ₹400.00 Cr)
Issue TypeBook Built Issue IPO
Listing AtBSE, NSE
Share holding pre issue33,250,000

Suraj Estate Developers IPO Reservation

Investor CategoryShares Offered
QIB Shares OfferedNot more than 50.00% of the Net offer
Retail Shares OfferedNot less than 35.00% of the Offer
NII (HNI) Shares OfferedNot less than 15.00% of the Offer

Company Financials

Suraj Estate Developers Limited Financial Information (Restated Consolidated)

Suraj Estate Developers Limited's revenue increased by 12.41% and profit after tax (PAT) rose by 20.98% between the financial year ending with March 31, 2023 and March 31, 2022.

Period30 Jun 2023Mar 2023Mar 2022Mar 2021
Net Worth86.1171.3939.1629.15
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd

Phone: +91-22-4918 6270