Naturo Indiabull Limited

Aug 22, 2022 - Aug 24, 2022

Price ₹30 - ₹30
Premium ₹1
Lot size 4000
Allotment -
Listing -

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 4000 120000 0
HNI 2 8000 240000 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Qualified Institutions[.]
Non-Institutional Buyers8.44
Retail Investors32.08

Naturo Indiabull Limited Logo

Incorporated in 2016, Naturo Indiabull is in the business of the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry. The brand purchases a variety of products from manufacturers and sells them in its own brand directly to wholesellers and through agents.

It carries on the business of garments, textiles, jewellery, FMCG, Real Estate, Stone-Mines, Herbal Products, Automobile, Printing, Share Trading, providing education, Agriculture Seeds and Fertilizers, Hospitality, and Food items. It also trades in various health products and kits including sanitary towels, sanitary napkins, hand sanitiser, and other health kits. Currently, it is diversifying its product portfolio to health and herbal products i.e., soaps, shampoos, medicines, juices, tablets, etc.

Competitive strengths

  • A broad range of products helps to cater to a diversified customer base. 
  • Long-term relationship with customers.
  • Qualified and experienced management.
  • Strong relationship with suppliers.

Company Financials

Naturo Indiabull Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Mar-20 951.17 802.76 78.8
31-Mar-21 1312.04 700.72 74.57
31-Mar-22 1343.94 1144.63 109.22
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270