Sungarner Energies Limited (NSE SME)

Aug 21, 2023 - Aug 23, 2023

Price ₹83 - ₹83
Premium ₹70
Lot size 1600
Allotment Aug 28, 2023
Listing Aug 31, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 1600 132800 0
HNI 2 3200 265600 0

Last updated on 23-Aug-2023 17:02:01

Retail Apps35,106© IPO Premium

Incorporated in 2015, Sungarner Energies Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing Solar Inverters, Online UPS Systems, EV Chargers, and Lead Acid Batteries.

SEL started as a Design Engineering and Solar EPC company and gradually diversified into Manufacturing Power Electronics and Energy Storage Products. The company produces lead acid batteries of varying capacities in the range from 12 Volts 40 ampere-hours to 12 volts 300 ampere-hours.

SunGarner has also obtained a WMI code for the manufacturing of EV Vehicles which is currently in the prototype stage, awaiting full-scale manufacturing of EV Vehicles.

SunGarner's main clientele comes from the states of Haryana, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Assam. It has 6 service Centres in India - Delhi, UP Haryana, Bihar Assam, and Bengal. The company is in the process of expanding its footprint by appointing an additional 500 Franchisees to cover all major Districts of India by the end of 2025. Also, SunGarner has also started exports in the last 2 years and has exported its products to Nigeria, Lebanon, Nepal, Dubai and Bhutan.

Sungarner Energies IPO Details

Sungarner Energies IPO is a Fixed Price Issue. The IPO total issue size is Rs 5.Cr. The Sungarner Energies IPO price is ₹83 per share. The IPO will list on NSE SME.

Issue Size 640,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹5.Cr)
Fresh Issue 640,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹5.Cr)
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Listing At NSE SME
Share holding pre issue 1,678,750
Share holding post issue 2,318,750
Market Maker portion 57,600 shares
Nikunj Stock Brokers

Sungarner Energies IPO Reservation

Sungarner Energies IPO a total of 640,000 shares are offered. RII: 291,200 (45.50%), NII: 291,200 (45.50%).

Anchor Investor Shares Offered -
Market Maker Shares Offered 57,600 (9.00%)
Other Shares Offered 291,200 (45.50%)
Retail Shares Offered 291,200 (45.50%)
Shares Offered 640,000 (100%)

Sungarner Energies IPO Lead Manager(s)

Fast Track Finsec Pvt Ltd

Company Financials

Sungarner Energies IPO Financial Information (Restated)
Period Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023
Assets 318.19 536.27 1,014.67
Revenue 536.43 797.66 1,765.33
Profit 15.72 57.50 74.31
Net Worth 98.73 156.23 320.54
Reserves 52.23 109.73 152.66
Borrowing 103.78 226.62 424.11
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Skyline Financial Services Private Ltd

Phone: 02228511022