eMUDHRA Limited

May 20, 2022 - May 24, 2022

Price ₹243 - ₹256
Premium ₹0
Lot size 58
Allotment -
Listing -

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 58 14848 0
HNI 14 812 207872 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Qualified Institutions4.05
Non-Institutional Buyers1.28
Retail Investors2.61
eMudhra Limited is India's largest licenced Certifying Authority ("CA"). The company's business is divided into two verticles Digital Trust Services and Enterprise Solutions. eMudhra Limited is engaged in the business of providing services like individual/organizational certificates, digital signature certificates, SSL/TLS certificates and device certificates, a portfolio of digital security and paperless transformation solutions, multi-factor authentication, mobile application security, website security testing, IT policy assessment, etc.

The company has strong digital signature certificate expertise and is the only Indian company to be directly recognised by renowned browsers and document processing software companies such as Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple, and Adobe, allowing it to sell digital identities to individuals and organisations worldwide and issue SSL/TLS certificates for website authentication.

The company has issued over 50 million digital signature certificates through the network of 88,457 channel partners spread across India. As of September 30, 2021, the company is serving 36,233 retail customers and 563 enterprises.

As of September 30, 2021, eMudhra's Enterprise Solutions are used by the top 10 banks, 6 top automotive companies and 19 top companies amongst the top 500 ranked companies in India by Economic Times in Financial Year 2020.

Competitive Strengths:

Lead Manager(s)
Link Intime India Private Ltd

Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: emudhra.ipo@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/