CFF Fluid Control Ltd (BSE SME)

May 30, 2023 - Jun 2, 2023

Price ₹165 - ₹165
Premium ₹10
Lot size 800
Allotment Jun 7, 2023
Listing Jun 12, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 800 132000 0
HNI 2 1600 264000 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Non-Institutional Buyers**2.58
Retail Investors1.67

Incorporated in 2012, CFF Fluid Control Limited is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing and servicing of shipboard machinery. They manufacture critical component systems and test facilities for submarines and surface ships for The Indian Navy.

The entity also designs, manufacture, and service Mechanical equipment and systems for industries like Nuclear and Clean Energy.

The Company's promoters and group companies have been in the defense manufacturing space for more than 20 years.

CFF Fluid Control was incorporated with the purpose of having a dedicated new entity focused on meeting the growing requirements of the Indian Navy, Mazagaon Dockyard, and Shipbuilders Limited (MDL). This was to undertake the manufacturing and supplying of mechanical equipment for the "Scorpene" Submarine Program of India.

The company's facilities are situated at Khopoli. The facility is spread over 6,000 sq. mtrs. and has all the relevant state-of-the-art machinery and testing facilities. At the facility, the company design, manufacture, and service.

Servicing includes fluid control systems, distributor and air panels Weapons and Control Systems, Steering gear, Propulsion Systems, High-Pressure Air Systems, Hydraulics Systems, Breathing and Diving Air Systems, and Integrated Platform Management Systems for submarines and surface ships for the Indian Navy and its OEMs.

The facility is Indian Navy, MDL & Naval Group (France) approved and has ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality management systems.

CFF Fluid Control IPO Details

Total Issue Size 5,200,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹85.80 Cr)
Fresh Issue 5,200,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹85.80 Cr)
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Listing At BSE SME
Share holding pre issue 14,274,100
Share holding post issue 19,474,100
Market Maker portion 260,800 shares

CFF Fluid Control IPO Reservation

Other Shares Offered 50% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered 50% of the Net Issue


  1. Market Maker portion of 260,800 equity shares is added to NII Reservation.
  2. Total Shares offered: QIB+NII+RII.

Company Financials

Period Mar-20 Mar-21 Mar-22 Sep-22
Assets 4,460.42 4,233.99 5,595.70 7,020.12
Revenue 3,196.48 1,481.27 4,712.39 3,907.54
Profit 134.62 24.64 779.95 639.63
Net Worth 680.74 705.38 1,485.33 2,124.96
Reserves 609.37 634.01 1,413.96 697.55
Borrowing 232.12 1,017.64 1,104.48 1,922.55
Lead Manager(s)

Cameo Corporate Services Limited

Phone: +91-44-28460390