Maiden Forgings Limited (BSE SME)

Mar 23, 2023 - Mar 27, 2023

Price ₹63 - ₹63
Premium ₹0
Lot size 2000
Allotment Mar 28, 2023
Listing Apr 6, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 2000 126000 0
HNI 2 4000 252000 0
CategoryShares OfferedAmount (Rs Cr) Size (%)
Total Issue Size 3,784,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹23.84 Cr)
Fresh Issue 3,784,000 shares
(aggregating up to ₹[.] Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At BSE SME

Incorporated in 2005, Maiden Forgings Limited is engaged in manufacturing and selling ferrous metal products. The company manufactures steel bright bars, wires, profiles, collated pneumatic nails, and ground bars.

The company has three manufacturing plants, all located in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. The combined aggregated manufacturing capacity of these plants is 50,000 tons per annum.

Maiden Forgings has around 450+ B2B customers across the globe. The company sells its products from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to large manufacturing companies in different industry domains like Prestige TTK, Everest, UM Auto etc. 

Maiden Forgings Limited has been awarded thrice recently in the year 2018 with the 'fastest growth in the business category' award through business sphere magazine conferred by Hon'ble cabinet minister Dr. Harshvardhan, "heroes next door award" in the year 2019 conferred by Hon'ble cabinet minister Gen. V.K. Singh and the "most versatile company for steel Bright bar in India" conferred by Business Sphere.


Objects of the Issue

The company intends to utilize the proceeds of the Issue to meet the following objects:

1. Consolidation and expansion of the manufacturing facilities.

2. Working Capital and General Corporate Purpose.

3. Issue Expenses.

Lead Manager(s)

Maashitla Securities Pvt. Limited
Phone: +91-11-45121795-96