Dev Labtech Venture Ltd (BSE SME)

Mar 17, 2023 - Mar 21, 2023

Price ₹51 - ₹51
Premium ₹4
Lot size 2000
Allotment Mar 24, 2023
Listing Mar 29, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 2000 102000 0
HNI 2 4000 204000 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Retail Investors8.24
Issue Size 2,200,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹11.22 Cr)
Fresh Issue 2,200,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹11.22 Cr)
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Listing At BSE SME

Incorporated in 1993, Dev Labtech Venture Limited is a Premier Lab Grown Diamond & Jewellery Manufacturer. The company's registered office is situated in Bhavnagar, Gujarat and it also operates through its sales offices.

Dev Labtech has recently started the manufacturing of lab-grown diamonds, earlier to this, the entity was engaged in the processing of natural diamonds only. The company has developed expert skills over the years in mapping, designing, cutting, and polishing with innovation & extracting optimum output with less wastage while transforming rough to natural polish diamonds.

Dev Labtech Venture Limited has an in-house technical & Design team to make Laboratory grown diamonds. The company has placed the highest quality checks at every level of the manufacturing processes to ensure the superiority of its products.

The company is striving to expand its product line and offer complementary products to enhance its product portfolio.

Company Financials

Dev Labtech Venture Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Reserves and Surplus Total Borrowing
31-Mar-20 711.23 1,178.85 0.04 144.80 123.84 154.05
31-Mar-21 713.73 1,228.11 3.65 148.45 127.50 177.53
31-Mar-22 888.24 2,698.01 43.62 192.07 66.35 122.58
30-Sep-22 1,166.65 966.43 64.12 717.86 232.17 114.52
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270