Divgi TorqTransfer Systems Ltd

Mar 1, 2023 - Mar 3, 2023

Price ₹560 - ₹590
Premium ₹8
Lot size 25
Allotment Mar 9, 2023
Listing Mar 14, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 25 14750 0
sHNI 14 350 206500 0
bHNI 68 1700 1003000 0

Last Updated as on 03-Mar-2023 17:54:00

HNIs 9,94,48714,62,9001.4
HNIs (10+L)6,62,9916,22,5250.89
HNIs (2-10L)3,31,4968,40,3752.41
Issue Size  
Fresh Issue [.] shares of ₹5
(aggregating up to ₹180.00 Cr)
Offer for Sale 3,934,243 shares of ₹5
(aggregating up to ₹[.] Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At BSE, NSE
QIB Shares Offered Not less than 75% of the Offer
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not more than 15% of the Offer
Retail Shares Offered Not more than 10% of the Offer
Company Promoters

Jitendra Bhaskar Divgi, Hirendra Bhaskar Divgi and Divgi Holdings Private Limited are the promoters of the company.

Incorporated in 1964, Divgi TorqTransfer Systems Limited is engaged in the business as an automotive component entity. They are among the very few automotive component entities in India with the capability to develop and provide system-level transfer cases, torque couplers, and dual-clutch automatic transmission solutions.

Divgi TorqTransfer is one of the leading players supplying transfer case systems to automotive OEMs in India and the largest supplier of transfer case systems to passenger vehicle manufacturers in India. Not only thi are also the only player manufacturing and exporting transfer cases to global OEMs from India, and the only manufacturer of torque couplers in India.

Divgi TorqTransfer Systems Limited manufactures and supplies its products under a wide range which includes-

  1. Torque transfer systems (which includes four-wheel-drive ("4WD") and all-wheel-drive ("AWD") products);
  2. Synchronizer systems for manual transmissions and DCT;
  3. Components for the above-mentioned product categories for torque transfer systems and synchronizer systems in manual transmission, DCT, and EVs.

Alongside, they have also developed

  1. Transmission systems for EVs;
  2. DCT systems;
  3. Rear wheel drive manual transmissions.

Divgi TorqTransfer Systems Limited also takes pride in being among the few companies that serve as both, systems-level solution providers and component kit suppliers to global OEMs and Tier I transmission systems suppliers.

Company Financials

Divgi TorqTransfer Systems Limited Financial Information (Restated)
Period Assets Revenue Profit Net Worth Reserves Borrowing
31-Mar-20 303.70 170.74 28.04 209.53 203.51 50.41
31-Mar-21 362.88 195.03 38.04 295.88 288.99 0.26
31-Mar-22 405.37 241.87 46.15 340.02 326.25 0.12
30-Sep-22 430.21 137.55 25.66 356.20 342.44 0.50
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270
Email: Divgi.ipo@linkintime.co.in
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/