Lead Reclaim and Rubber Products Limited (SME)

Feb 9, 2023 - Feb 13, 2023

Price ₹25 - ₹25
Premium ₹1
Lot size 6000
Allotment Feb 16, 2023
Listing Feb 21, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 6000 150000 0
HNI 2 12000 300000 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Qualified Institutions[.]
Non-Institutional Buyers87.56
Retail Investors64.41
Issue Size 1,950,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹4.88 Cr)
Fresh Issue 1,950,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹4.88 Cr)
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Listing At NSE SME
Company Promoters

Baldevbhai Patel, Jayeshkumar Patel, Kalpesh Patel, Rekhaben Patel, Sadhana Patel and Diksha Patel are the promoters of the company.

Incorporated in 2012, Lead Reclaim and Rubber Products Limited is in the business of manufacturing reclaimed rubber, crumb rubber powder, and rubber granules.

The manufacturing unit of the company is situated in Sarali Road Village - Pithai, Taluka- Kathalal, Kheda. The unit is spread over a total land area of approximately 7790 sq. mts with a total install capacity of 5520 metric tons. The manufacturing facility is accredited with ISO 9001:2015 certifications for quality management systems.

Lead Reclaim focuses highly on:

  1. Saving valuable natural resources by way of recycling; and
  2. Helping our customers fulfill their circularity aspirations through the use of our reclaimed rubber products

The product diversification of the company allows it to fulfill the requirements of varied customers. Their product range varies in grades, thickness, widths, and standards of various grades of whole tyre reclaim rubber, butyl reclaims rubber and natural reclaimed rubber.

Lead Reclaim and Rubber Products to deliver its offerings to OEMs, Tier I companies in the automotive manufacturing sector, distributors, and dealers.

Company Financials

Lead Reclaim and Rubber Products Limited Financial Information (Consolidated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Total Borrowing
31-Mar-20 532.45 483.67 36.36 17.47 377.25
31-Mar-21 594.88 706.26 22.74 40.2 394.67
31-Mar-22 704.32 1036.93 47.87 289.57 269.3
30-Sep-22 994.65 498.99 35.55 555.63 271.38
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd

Phone: +91-22-6263 8200
Email: ipo@bigshareonline.com
Website: http://www.bigshareonline.com