Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Ltd. (NSE SME)

Jan 16, 2023 - Jan 19, 2023

Price ₹72 - ₹72
Premium ₹43
Lot size 1600
Allotment Jan 25, 2023
Listing Jan 30, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 1600 115200 0
HNI 2 3200 230400 0
Investor CategorySubscription (times)
Qualified Institutions[.]
Non-Institutional Buyers285.84
Retail Investors149.59
Issue Size 1,812,800 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹13.05 Cr)
Fresh Issue 1,812,800 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹13.05 Cr)
Issue Type Fixed Price Issue IPO
Listing At NSE SME
P/E (x) 24.57
NII (HNI) Shares Offered 50% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered 50% of the Net Issue
Company Promoters

Mr. Narendra Barhat,
Mrs. Kusum Narendra Barhat and
Mr. Ketankumar Harkantbhai Joshi

Incorporated in 2005, Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Limited is an agrochemical company. They are mainly engaged in the manufacturing, formulation, supplying, packaging, and job work services of various Pesticides.

They deliver their products in India as well as engage in exporting products like Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Plant Growth Regulators, and a wide variety of other Agrochemicals.

The industry Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience is engaged in, is a wide canvas full of possibilities where the entities deal in the production and distribution of pesticides and fertilizers. All these entities contribute towards enhancing crop yields and their quality.

Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience are delivering their products in over 20 states of India. Also, the offerings are extended to over 15 countries, including Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Moldova, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, UAE, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

The company is ISO 9001: 2015 certified for their Quality Management System. Following are the products of Aristo:

  • Herbicides/Weedicides
  • Fungicides
  • Plant Growth Regulator
  • Insecticides

Alongside undertaking manufacturing operations, the company also provide Contract manufacturing, Job work and Toll manufacturing services for Crop Protection companies.

Company Financials

Aristo Bio-Tech and Lifescience Limited Financial Information (Consolidated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth
31-Mar-20 8785.12 20123.94 100.74 1230.51
31-Mar-21 8141.73 16722.96 107.57 1338.08
31-Mar-22 7700.16 16603.29 146.17 1484.25
30-Sep-22 10869.14 12907.49 258.9 1743.15
Amount in ₹ Lakhs
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd

Phone: +91-22-4918 6270