Sah Polymers Limited

Dec 30, 2022 - Jan 4, 2023

Price ₹61 - ₹65
Premium ₹11
Lot size 230
Allotment Jan 9, 2023
Listing Jan 12, 2023

Category Lot(s) Qty Amount Reserved
Retail 1 230 14950 0
sHNI 14 3220 209300 0
bHNI 67 15410 1001650 0

Last Updated as on 04-Jan-2023 17:48:00

HNIs 14,35,8465,00,14,88032.69
HNIs (10+L)9,57,2313,46,15,00033.94
HNIs (2-10L)4,78,6151,53,99,88030.2
Issue Size 10,200,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹66.30 Cr)
Fresh Issue 10,200,000 shares of ₹10
(aggregating up to ₹66.30 Cr)
Issue Type Book Built Issue IPO
Listing At BSE, NSE
P/E (x) 33.51
Market Cap (₹ Cr.) 167.67
QIB Shares Offered Not less than 75% of the Issue
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not more than 15% of the Issue
Retail Shares Offered Not more than 10% of the Issue
Company Promoters

Sat Industries Limited is the company promoter.

The company offer customised bulk packaging solutions to business-to-business (" B2B") manufacturers catering to different industries such as Agro Pesticides Industry, Basic Drug Industry, Cement Industry, Chemical Industry, Fertilizer Industry, Food Products Industry, Textile Industry Ceramic Industry and Steel Industry.

Sah Polymers Limited have two business divisions (i) domestic sales; and (ii) exports. The company has a presence in 6 states and 1 union territory for the domestic market and 6 regions internationally in 6 regions such as Africa, the Middle East, Europe, the USA, Australia and the Caribbean.

As of March 31, 2022, the company is supported by 97 committed staff based on the payroll. The company has one manufacturing facility with an installed production capacity of 3960 m.t. p.a. located at Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Competitive Strength:

  • Product portfolio
  • Customer base across geographies and industries
  • Management Team

Company Financials

Sah Polymers Limited Financial Information (Consolidated)
Period Ended Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax Net Worth Total Borrowing
31-Mar-20 35.93 49.91 0.3 18.81 10.37
31-Mar-21 40.58 55.34 1.27 20.09 13.79
31-Mar-22 68.67 81.23 4.38 26.65 30.54
30-Jun-22 75.35 27.59 1.25 27.74 33.15
Amount in ₹ Crore
Lead Manager(s)

Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270